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Jun 16, 2020

In our second episode of the miniseries by the WWEST Associate Chair program hosted at iSTAND at the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO), host Maxine (iSTAND Communications and Resource Design Assistant) speaks with a panel of experts on Indigenizing STEM education. This discussion is an eye-opening glimpse into the lives of Indigenous women in STEM and integrating the new Truth and Reconciliation mandates in education in Canada. You’ll also hear about developing curriculum in schools for Kenyan indigenous populations, decolonizing classrooms, teaching indigenous perspectives embedded in school courses, and so much more. Dr. Jennifer Jakobi, WWEST Associate Chair, introduces us to the panelists in the beginning of this episode as well. (Please excuse any audio hiccups in this remotely recorded interview.)

iSTAND is the Integrative STEM Team Advancing Networks of Diversity, which is creating a network to recruit, support, and increase underrepresented persons in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). You can learn more about their program here and about the WWEST Associate Chair program here.

The panel in this episode features Shaylene DeKock-Kruger, Isha DeCoito, and Desiree Marshall-Peer.

Featured on this episode are Dr. Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Principal of UBCO; Dr. Bowen Hui, instructor in Computer Science of UBCO; and Dr. Mina Hoorfar, professor of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering at UBCO.

Hosted by: Maxine van Zyl and Dr. Jennifer Jakobi
Theme Music: “Positive and Fun” by Scott Holmes
Produced by: Vanessa Hennessey and Maxine van Zyl

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